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Timer RH Pro 2.14.2 MacOS


Well-known member
Power Uploader
File size: 18 MB​

Take Control of Your Time

🌟 Capabilities
- Set the timer to the specific time or to the exact time interval
- Multiple timers
- Repeating timers
- Text and color labels
- Combining timers into the scenaries
- Create shortcuts and set hotkeys for its
- One-touch timers addeding
- Display on top over all windows when timer expiring
- Ability to pin the window on top over all windows when working
- Fullscreen mode
- Flexible settings for sound and alerts
- Count Down or Forward
- Multiple timers in one window
- History of timers
- Timer in the staus bar and on the dock icon

And much more in this universal tool

🌟 Top In-App Purchases: PRO Account unlimited - included

🌟 Supported Operation Systems
macOS 10.14 or later

License: full_version
Author: 3bitlab
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⭐️ Timer RH Pro 2.14.2 MacOS ✅ (17.77 MB)
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