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Ask by Ryan Levesque


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epub | 18.47 KB | English | | Author: Ryan Levesque | Year: 2015


When it comes to the way business is carried out online, the earth beneath our feet is shifting right now-and shifting quickly. The one-size-fits-all approach is fast becoming obsolete. More and more businesses are learning that the more they tailor-make the messages they put on their sites, as well as how they interact with every single user, the more satisfied customers get-and the more they earn. The ideas in this book stem from a simple fact: the market that you are dealing with is not homogenous. Instead, your market-and every other one you can imagine-is made of distinct pockets of people who are all different from one another. The question of how to ask the right questions, and make money in the process, is a question that's more nuanced and more mysterious than it might first seem, but author Ryan Levesque has "cracked the code" on how you can definitely increase your personal income (and wealth) through online marketing.

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